Here at Composite Global Solutions we live and breathe insulation, literally – our company’s founder lives in the original, award winning THERMOHouse. With minimal heating and no need for air conditioners on even the hottest of summer days, Mikael and his family live year round in efficient, sustainable and low-cost comfort.

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THERMOHouse‘s utilise the Thermomass insulation system that consists of a precast concrete panel containing a central core of rigid THERMOMASS insulation sandwiched  between an interior and exterior concrete skin. In the THERMOMASS precast concrete panel, the insulation is placed towards the outside of the thermal envelope, allowing the greater thermal mass of the thicker interior concrete skin to be used to significantly dampen diurnal swings. This results in consistent temperatures year round, and in the case of the original THERMOHouse, maximum diurnal swings of only 5 degrees. Built in 2002, the house is still operating like new with consistent annual savings on electricity bills of over 50% compared to other poorly insulated houses of comparable size.


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With close to 100 THERMOHouses having been built since the company’s inception, and with several more on the books for next year, let us help you maximise the sustainability and comfort of your next residential project.

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If you’re interested in learning how THERMOMASS can help your latest commercial or residential project achieve a thermally stable environment with significantly reduced running costs, click the contact link in the header for our contact information and give us a call or email to learn more.